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Zoning Board of Appeals 3/26/2025

Special Meeting: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1:00 PM, Township Hall

Request for rear set back variance for addition to existing home to be 22.35' instead of 30' in Lakeshore Residential zoning for property located at 13833 Beaver Lane, Kalkaska MI, Brain and Carrie Jacoby, Owners. Property ID number 002-742-013-50. 

Please be notified that there will be a public hearing of the Blue Lake Township Zoning Board of Appeals, Wednesday March 26, 2025, 1:00 Pm at the Blue Lake Township Hall located at 10599 Twin Lake Road, Mancelona MI 49659.

Please call 231.320.0285 or email blzoning@torchlake.com if you have any questions, or you may inquire in person on Wednesdays from 10-2 at the Blue Lake Township Hall.