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Trash Pick up

The trash is picked up every Monday (unless it is a holiday, then trash pick up will be Tuesday).  You are allowed 5 bags per week.  Please bag and tie all trash.  Yard waste, paint, liquids and hazardous material are prohibited.  You are allowed 4 large items per year with an accompanying sticker. You may get the stickers (which are free) at the Township Hall.  GFL is our current Trash Pickup Contractor you can contact them for any pickup issues at 231-258-9030. 

What We Pay for Trash Pick Up

Our current contract for trash pick up will expire at the end of 2025.  Our cost for the fiscal year (July 1 2024 - June 30 2025) is $110,000.00.

How We Fund Trash Pick Up

Trash pickup for all property owners is paid for by a voter approved property tax. The Trash Pickup fund is then used to pay a contractor (currently Green For Life: GFL) to collect and dispose of residential trash. 

The Trash Pickup fund is maintained by a 4 year millage, A trash millage of 1.0 was duly passed by the voters in November 2022.

Funding History for Trash Pick Up

The Board was able to reduce our millage to .3 mills for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 tax years and .4 mills for 2013, 2014 and 2015 as this was adequate to maintain the fund reserves.   The trash fund balance has been fluctuating in recent years due to changes in the personnel property tax that the corporate tax payers pay, however the fund at the beginning of the Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2024)  was at $83,368.00  This will be used to pay the monthly costs and will drop until February when winter taxes come in.  In the summer of 2025, competitive bids will be issued to establish the cost level for the next five years.