
Blue Lake Township fiscal year ends June 30.  We have five (5) Government funds.

The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the Township.  At the end of the 2021 fiscal year, unreserved fund balance of the General Fund and the total fund balance was $397,790 and $407,005 respectively.  Unreserved fund balance represents 191 percent of total general fund annual expenditures.  The fund balance of the Township’s general fund increased by $46,439 during the fiscal year. 

The Improvement fund is a revolving fund maintained by the Township to pay for any type of improvements in the township.  Oil and gas royalties and lease of land for the Version Cellular communications tower (located on Township property behind the Fire Barn) generates the majority of revenues for this fund.   At the end of the current fiscal year the total fund balance was $212,228 decreasing by $3,628 during the current fiscal year due to a transfer out to the fire fund in the amount of $15,000.


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